Treasure Trails/Guide
Other related links towards Treasure Trails/Clue guide.
- The Mimic
- Example of Setup
- Scrolls and Benefits
- Easy Clue Guide
- Medium Clue Guide
- Hard Clue Guide
- Elite Clue Guide
- Master Clue Guide
General information
Clues were released May 24 2020 with other QoL updates to the game.
Uri, The Clue Master, can be found ingame by doing ::clues Uri has a few options, including a shop.
His other feature is that you can hand in Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite clue to him in exchange you will receive a Master Clue.
In the shop you can find:

Item | Description | |
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Spade | Is used for certain steps, such as Coordinate Step, Look 'n' Dig and Hot 'n' Cold steps. |
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Strange device | Strange Device is only used for Hot/Cold steps to figure out the location your step is located at.
So when you receive a clue step that says "Buried beneath the ground, who knows where it's found." you have received a Hot 'n' Cold step. When your Strange Device says "Ice Cold" means you are far away from your digging location and you will have to move closer. In chat the Strange Device will say "Hotter" or Colder" than before when using it. It will have to say "Visibly Shaking" and you are at the correct location to dig. |
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Clue Box | The Clue Box is used to save your clue incase you get killed in wilderness. Strange Device is used during Hot 'n' Cold Step, which will lead you to the location of the place to dig to find your next step or finishing the clue.
All Clue Steps have to be done in wilderness, so don't bring unnecessary items with you. There's plenty of spawn items that can help you with tanking PKers in wilderness to make you survive and finish the clue safely. |
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Collection Log | You will be able to buy the book for free in the shop, otherwise be able to use the command ::collection to show the different collection logs. |
Mandrith | |||||||||||||||||||
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Location | Outside of Resources Area | ||||||||||||||||||
Owner | Mandrith | ||||||||||||||||||
Specialty | Question 'n' Answer Step | ||||||||||||||||||
Location | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mandrith can be found outside Resources Area. He is used for Question And Answer Step from Easy to Hard clues.
How to find him: Use Edge Lever south of ::home/::tp.
Follow the white line shown to the right and it will lead you directly to him.
Be aware you will enter Level 51 Wilderness, so remember to bring food incase PKers are out.
Agility Tutor
There's two Agility Tutors ingame. There's one at ::agility and one at Wilderness Agility Training Area.

The one at ::agility doesn't work for when you have Question And Answer Step.
You will have to enter wilderness to complete your Question And Answer Step.
By doing that you will enter the Red Portal, which will teleport you to Level 52 Wilderness.
Be aware of PKers.

Once you have entered, you will find the correct Agility Tutor just walking around there.
This NPC is only for Elite and Master Question And Answer Steps.

Take in mind if you answer the question wrong by mistyping the correct answer, you will have a minute cooldown untill you can answer the question again.
Clue Steps
For each clue, there's 8 different steps you will be able to receive once you start doing clues.
Shown below is an example of the different steps you will encounter.
PvM clues

PvM clues step is a simple task, yet you will encounter there's different bosses you will kill.
Depending on which clue you are doing, you will receive harder bosses, the harder the clue you are trying to complete including with wearing more expensive gear.
All bosses you will encounter on a PvM clue step are in wilderness and some are in multi combat.
The bosses you can encounter: Chaos Elemental, Crazy Archaeologist, Chaos Fanatic, Venenatis, Scorpia and Callisto.
Note: You will always have to be skulled while doing PvM step.
Skill clues

Skill clues you will wearing different items ranging from Ranger boots to 3rd age items. This will mean you will have a certain amount of risk will completing this task. Most of these task is required to complete them at Resource Area, where you will have to pay a fee of 100 PK Points or 1.000 Skilling Points to enter, unless you are maxed.
The highest in each skill you need to be, to be able to complete all steps are:
Agility - 52
Cooking - 90
Fishing - 85
Mining - 85 Smithing - 85
Thieving - 95
Woodcutting - 75
Note: You will always have to be skulled while doing Skilling step.
Question 'n' Answer clues

A question 'n' answer clue you will either have to seek Mandrith or Agility Tutor in the wilderness.
From easy to hard you will speak with Mandrith who is located at the entrance to Resource Area. With elite and master clues you have to speak with Agility Tutor who are located in the wilderness at the Deep Wilderness Agility Course and you will need level 52 agility to enter the area.
They will be giving you a question that you have to answer correctly to. If you answer incorrectly you will have a 1 minute cooldown before you can answer the question again.
You can read more about Mandrith and Agility Tutor above.
Search for an object clues

The objects you will be searching for are only located in the wilderness. Depending on which clue you are completing, it varies how deep in the wilderness you will have to go to find the object.
In order to find the objects, you will notice that the objects have a "Search" x, meaning you have found an object that's related to this step.
Be aware of which clue you are doing, since there will be same objects but at different locations as stated on the clue with the wilderness level.
Note: Remember to bring the needed amount of PKP to the object, else you won't receive the new step or casket if it's the last step.
Coordinate clues

A coordinate clue is a clue scroll that contains a set of coordinates. It's like the real-world longitude & latitude geographic coordinate system.
You will notice that the first number on the clue scroll provides the x-axis and the second number provides the y-axis on the map. It must be at the exact coordinate step you will be digging, else you won't receive the next step or casket.
Note: For higher tier clues, you can expect combat.
Map clues

Map clues are an image of the location the player needs to search to advance along their trail. Maps are found across all levels of clue scroll. They are rough pictures of a very local area. If the map leads to an X, the player needs to take a spade to the place indicated on the map with the X and dig there. If the map leads to a crate, it must simply be searched. Sometimes players may find a small pile of crates, or a multitude of them. Search all of them until the next clue or the reward is found. Maps can include landmarks such as buildings, fish to indicate fishing spots, roads, rivers, bridges, and other things.
Emote clues

Emote clues involve equipping certain items in a particular location and performing an emote, like some strange secret handshake. These types of clues are found in all levels of clue scrolls, and most (but not all) items required for the emote clues can be obtained in shops or other players. Once the emote has been performed, an extremely odd NPC called Uri will appear and usually give the player a casket (and an earful of nonsense). If the player has been requested to do another emote before talking to Uri, and they forgot to do it, he will say, I don't believe we have any business... but will not leave. The player can then complete the second emote and finish the clue. Easy clues require doing one emote, medium clues require doing two, and hard clues require doing an emote and combat.
Hot Cold clues

Hot/Cold clues involve using a strange device obtained from talking to Uri at ::clues or spawning one to determine whether the player is Hot (close to) or Cold (far away from) the intended location to dig. This is based on an older children's game.
Once the player receive the message "The device is visibly shaking..." in chatbox, it's the correct place to dig.
Beaware there will be monsters to kill for certain clues.
Credits towards creating Clue Guide goes to goat, Chui, Tulrak and Grabauskas.