Starter guide
The Starter guide is intended to help both new and returning players. The guide covers a wide range of topics including; skills, money making, and some early-game content in Roat Pkz.
If you still need help after going through this page please check out our discord and make a post in our support section, or alternatively log in game and ask a staff member.
How do I play?
To start playing, you can download the official client here
Once the client of your choosing has loaded simply type in a username and password and hit login. If you get "Incorrect password", then your desired username has already been taken - try a new one.
Your forum username and password is not your in-game username and password, they are not connected.
Important commands
Below is a list of the most used commands.
For a list of all commands, click here.
Donator Ranks
Players with Donator ranks have access to wider variety of content including, but not limited to: Royal revenants, in-game commands.
Check the main article for more information.
Game rules
All players must follow the rules of the game. Certain things are not allowed, and can result in your account being muted, suspended, or permanently banned from play:
- Impersonation of Others
- Use of Cheat Clients or 3rd Party Software
- PKP Cheat or PKP Farming
- Offensive Language, Flaming, or Disrespect
- Discrimination
- Account Hacking/Stealing
- Item Scamming
- Deleterious Bug Abuse or Exploitation
- Account Trading, Selling, or Sharing
- RuneScape Wealth/Account Transactions
- Advertising
- Privacy Rights
- Griefing
- Multi-logging in Wilderness
- Ragging/Rushing
- Spamming
- Punishment Evasion
- Bounty Hunter Farming / Emblem selling
- Common Sense
Failure to follow the rules stated above may result in severe and/or permanent punishment.
Custom kits

Custom kits can be found in the tab next to the emotes. From there you can choose custom set ones. In the tab next to that you will find 'Your Custom Kits' where you can customize your own kit.
Custom kits are useful for when you want to gear quickly for a fight and want to cut out the hassle of gathering items from your bank.
Making money
On Roat Pkz, our currency is Pk points. Earning Pk points is quite easy, we have several ways to do so.
Reminder: All drops can be increased by 20% by voting!
For a full list of monsters click here.
You can vote through ::vote.
Pking & High risking
Pking is a great way to earn Pk points, per kill you will receive 2 Pk points and on our double Pk Point weekend, it increases to 4. High risking is normally done at ::meth, players will risk rares and other valuables. You can pk at the following locations:
- Edge
- Varrock
- Funpk
- Brid
- Easts
- Wests
- F2P
You can duel at ::duel and stake other players. This is by far one of the better ways to make money if you have luck on your side!
Donating for items & packages is a nice risk-free way of obtaining items & Pk points. Read here to find out more about donating.