Module:Combat level

From Roat Pkz
Revision as of 20:22, 31 March 2024 by Hefner (talk | contribs) (Created page with "-- Implements Calculator:Combat level/Template local paramTest = require('Module:Paramtest') local p = {} function p.calc(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local stats = { 'attack', 'strength', 'defence', 'ranged', 'magic', 'hitpoints', 'prayer' } local lvls = {} for i, stat in pairs(stats) do if i == 6 then lvls[i] = paramTest.default_to( tonumber(args[stat]), 10 ) else lvls[i] = paramTest.default_to( tonumber(args[...")
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Combat level/doc

-- Implements Calculator:Combat level/Template

local paramTest = require('Module:Paramtest')

local p = {}

function p.calc(frame)
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local stats = { 'attack', 'strength', 'defence', 'ranged', 'magic', 'hitpoints', 'prayer' }
    local lvls = {}
    for i, stat in pairs(stats) do
    	if i == 6 then
    		lvls[i] = paramTest.default_to( tonumber(args[stat]), 10 )
    		lvls[i] = paramTest.default_to( tonumber(args[stat]), 1 )

    return p.formatlvl( p._calc( unpack( lvls ) ) )

function p.formatlvl ( combatLevel, combatType, required )
	local nextCombatLevel = combatLevel + 1
	local output = 'Your combat level is <b>' .. combatLevel .. '</b>, ' .. combatType .. '-based.\n'
    output = output .. '\nFor level ' .. nextCombatLevel .. ', you need one of:'
    if required.attackStrength then
        output = output .. '\n* ' .. required.attackStrength .. ' [[Attack]] or [[Strength]] levels'
    if required.hitpointsDefence then
        output = output .. '\n* ' .. required.hitpointsDefence .. ' [[Hitpoints]] or [[Defence]] levels'
    if required.ranged then
        output = output .. '\n* ' .. required.ranged .. ' [[Ranged]] levels'
    if required.magic then
        output = output .. '\n* ' .. required.magic .. ' [[Magic]] levels'
    if required.prayer then
    	output = output .. '\n* ' .. required.prayer .. ' [[Prayer]] levels'
    return output

function p._calc ( attackLevel, strengthLevel, defenceLevel, rangedLevel, magicLevel, hitpointsLevel, prayerLevel )
    -- Used formulae from here:
    -- to calculate player's current in-game combat level
    local baseLevel = 0.25 * (defenceLevel + hitpointsLevel + math.floor(prayerLevel / 2))
    local meleeCombatLevel = 0.325 * (attackLevel + strengthLevel)
    local magicCombatLevel = 0.325 * (math.floor(magicLevel / 2) + magicLevel)
    local rangedCombatLevel = 0.325 * (math.floor(rangedLevel / 2) + rangedLevel)
    local combatType = math.max(meleeCombatLevel, math.max(magicCombatLevel, rangedCombatLevel))
    local combatLevelDouble = baseLevel + combatType
    local combatLevel = math.floor(combatLevelDouble)
    local nextCombatLevel = combatLevel + 1
    local required = {}
    -- Combat level increases with an even number of levels of prayer levels
    -- 8 Levels of Prayer increases combat level by 1
    -- Calculate the current prayer level contribution to the combat level and invert
    required.prayer = 2 * math.ceil(-hitpointsLevel - defenceLevel + (4 * nextCombatLevel) - (4 * combatType)) - prayerLevel
    -- 4 Levels of Defence+Hitpoints increases combat level by 1
    -- Calculate the current Hitpoints+Defence level contribution to the combat level and invert
    required.hitpointsDefence = math.ceil((4 * nextCombatLevel) - math.floor(prayerLevel / 2) - (4 * combatType)) - hitpointsLevel - defenceLevel
    -- Calculate the current Attack+Strength level contribution to the combat level and invert
    required.attackStrength = math.ceil(-10 / 13 * (defenceLevel + hitpointsLevel + math.floor(prayerLevel / 2) - (4 * nextCombatLevel))) - strengthLevel - attackLevel
    -- Calculate the current Magic level contribution to the combat level and invert
    required.magic = math.ceil(2 / 3 * math.ceil(-10 / 13 * (hitpointsLevel + defenceLevel - (4 * nextCombatLevel) + math.floor(prayerLevel / 2)))) - magicLevel
    -- Calculate the current Ranged level contribution to the combat level and invert
    required.ranged = math.ceil(2 / 3 * math.ceil(-10 / 13 * (hitpointsLevel + defenceLevel - (4 * nextCombatLevel) + math.floor(prayerLevel / 2)))) - rangedLevel

    if (attackLevel + strengthLevel + required.attackStrength) > (99 * 2) then
        required.attackStrength = nil
    if (defenceLevel + hitpointsLevel + required.hitpointsDefence) > (99 * 2) then
        required.hitpointsDefence = nil
    if (rangedLevel + required.ranged) > 99 then
        required.ranged = nil
    if (magicLevel + required.magic) > 99 then
        required.magic = nil
    if (prayerLevel + required.prayer) > 99 then
    	required.prayer = nil

	local combatTypeName
	if(combatType == meleeCombatLevel) then
		combatTypeName = 'melee'
	elseif(combatType == magicCombatLevel) then
		combatTypeName = 'magic'
		combatTypeName = 'ranged'
    return combatLevel, combatTypeName, required

return p