Location | ::Shops |
Owner | Mazchna |
Specialty | PKP Shop |
The Pk Point Shop is ran by Mazchna, a demon who can be found at Edgeville (Home area). Within the Pk Point Shop are various sought after items, which can be purchased with
Pk points. Below is a comprehensive table of the items found within the shop.
 | Armadyl godsword | 10,000 |
 | Bandos godsword | 2,500 |
 | Zamorak godsword | 2,500 |
 | Saradomin godsword | 2,500 |
 | Abyssal tentacle | 2,500 |
 | Armadyl crossbow | 5,000 |
 | Staff of light | 5,000 |
 | Mage's book | 2,500 |
 | Primordial boots | 2,500 |
 | Volatile orb | 50,000 |
 | Serpentine helm | 5,500 |
 | Bandos chestplate | 5,000 |
 | Bandos tassets | 5,000 |
 | Staff of the dead | 5,000 |
 | Fighter torso | 1,000 |
 | Fire cape | 1,000 |
 | Rune pouch | 1,000 |
 | Malediction ward | 2,500 |
 | Eternal boots | 2,500 |
 | Harmonised orb | 50,000 |
 | Armadyl helmet | 2,500 |
 | Armadyl chestplate | 5,000 |
 | Armadyl chainskirt | 5,000 |
 | Dragon crossbow | 2,500 |
 | Abyssal dagger | 2,000 |
 | Zamorakian spear | 2,000 |
 | Ava's assembler | 1,000 |
 | Odium ward | 2,500 |
 | Pegasian boots | 2,500 |
 | Eldritch orb | 5,000 |
 | Amulet of blood fury | 1,500 |
 | Amulet of fury | 1,000 |
 | New crystal shield | 1,000 |
 | Crystal halberd | 1,000 |
 | Abyssal bludgeon | 2,500 |
 | Zamorakian hasta | 2,000 |
 | Dark bow | 1,000 |
 | Spirit shield | 500 |
 | Guardian boots | 2,500 |
 | Nightmare staff | 2,500 |
 | Amulet of torture | 15,000 |
 | Necklace of anguish | 15,000 |
 | Tormented bracelet | 7,500 |
 | Ring of suffering (i) | 7,500 |
 | Dragon defender | 1,000 |
 | Lightbearer | 15,000 |
 | Berserker ring (i) | 1,000 |
 | Seers ring (i) | 1,000 |
 | Archers ring (i) | 500 |
 | Warrior ring (i) | 500 |
 | Granite maul | 500 |
 | Obsidian helmet | 150 |
 | Obsidian platebody | 300 |
 | Obsidian platelegs | 300 |
 | Boots of brimstone | 300 |
 | Master wand | 500 |
 | Berserker ring | 500 |
 | Seers ring | 500 |
 | Archers ring | 300 |
 | Warrior ring | 300 |
 | Dharok's armour set | 1,000 |
 | Dharok's helm | 150 |
 | Dharok's platebody | 350 |
 | Dharok's platelegs | 350 |
 | Dharok's greataxe | 150 |
 | Ahrim's armour set | 1,000 |
 | Ahrim's hood | 150 |
 | Ahrim's robetop | 350 |
 | Ahrim's robeskirt | 350 |
 | Ahrim's staff | 150 |
 | Verac's armour set | 1,000 |
 | Verac's helm | 150 |
 | Verac's brassard | 350 |
 | Verac's plateskirt | 350 |
 | Verac's flail | 150 |
 | Karil's armour set | 1,000 |
 | Karil's coif | 150 |
 | Karil's leathertop | 350 |
 | Karil's leatherskirt | 350 |
 | Karil's crossbow | 150 |
 | Torag's armour set | 1,000 |
 | Torag's helm | 150 |
 | Torag's platebody | 350 |
 | Torag's platelegs | 350 |
 | Torag's hammers | 150 |
 | Guthan's armour set | 1,000 |
 | Guthan's helm | 150 |
 | Guthan's platebody | 350 |
 | Guthan's chainskirt | 350 |
 | Guthan's warspear | 150 |
 | Dragon sq shield | 50 |
 | Dragon chainbody | 50 |
 | Dragon plateskirt | 50 |
 | Dragon full helm | 50 |
 | Brimstone ring | 400 |
 | Amulet of the damned (full) | 250 |
 | Infinity hat | 250 |
 | Infinity top | 250 |
 | Infinity bottoms | 250 |
 | Infinity boots | 250 |
 | Dragon platebody | 50 |
 | Dragon platelegs | 50 |
 | Dragon boots | 200 |
 | Ivandis flail | 500 |
 | Burning amulet(5) | 250 |
 | Phoenix necklace | 25 |
 | Ice ancient sceptre | 5,000 |
 | Blood ancient sceptre | 1,000 |
 | Smoke ancient sceptre | 1,000 |
 | Shadow ancient sceptre | 1,000 |
 | Dwarven rock cake | 500 |
 | Dragon spear | 250 |
 | Bandos boots | 60 |
 | New crystal bow | 150 |
 | Barrelchest anchor | 100 |
 | Regen bracelet | 50 |
 | Robin hood hat | 200 |
 | Rangers' tunic | 250 |
 | Ranger boots | 200 |
 | Spiked manacles | 200 |
 | Divine super combat potion(4) | 10 |
 | Divine battlemage potion(4) | 5 |
 | Divine bastion potion(4) | 5 |
 | Stamina potion(4) | 5 |
 | Universal teleport | 5 |
 | Fighter hat | 150 |
 | Ranger hat | 50 |
 | Healer hat | 50 |
 | Runner hat | 50 |
 | Zulrah's scales | Not sold |
 | Super combat potion(4) | 5 |
 | Battlemage potion(4) | 2 |
 | Bastion potion(4) | 2 |
 | Anti-venom+(4) | 5 |
 | Black chinchompa | 2 |
 | Red chinchompa | 1 |
 | Chinchompa | Not sold |
 | Dragonstone dragon bolts (e) | 1 |
 | Diamond dragon bolts (e) | 1 |
 | Onyx dragon bolts (e) | 1 |
 | Dragon knife | 1 |
 | Dragon dart | 1 |
 | Wrath rune | Not sold |
 | Cooked karambwan | Not sold |
 | Anglerfish | Not sold |
 | Pk Point | 1 |