Update:Blackjack Spectate

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Hi everyone, a lot has been going on behind the scenes for the past 2-3 months. We've done a lot of improvements & fixes that aren't exactly visible to normal players, but will be very useful in the long road. I also want to give everyone an update on the upcoming Summer Event and TOB.

Blackjack Spectate

You can now spectate other players while they're playing blackjack, this has been a heavily requested feature ever since we introduced Blackjack. You can prevent others from spectating you by using ::disable-spectate.

Here is an example of the blackjack spectate interface.

You will see a small blackjack icon in the public chat if you're spectating/playing the same game. That way viewers can talk together.

Official Roat Pkz Wikia

We have now launched our official Roat Pkz Wiki at https://wiki.roatpkz.com/. This has been a work in progress for a few months, with great help from @Hefner. We have added a ::wiki command and you can also use it as ::wiki armadyl godsword and it goes to the page.

Roat Pkz Clan Cup

There is a new 3,000M OSRS Clan Cup happening on June 2nd! You can read more at ::clancup in-game, or click here!

Summer Event (ETA)

A lot of you have asked us when the Summer event is coming. I have some great news for you, we've been working for the past weeks on a new Summer event and plan on releasing it the first week of June.

Theatre of Blood (ETA)

The TOB is still being built - we are keeping it final boss only, we have completed the normal fight and are currently working on the hardcore mode. It is without a doubt one of the best and most accurate final boss fights. I expect to release this after the Summer Event update.

Other Updates

  • We have fixed the issue of avg dmg being inaccurate in PvP Tracker when overheads are enabled.
  • Weapon Styles now properly save upon login.
  • We have done a ton of performance upgrades on the server to better handle 1,000 players online during events.
  • We have re-done a lot of our in-game networking and made it more efficient & responsive.