Update:QoL updates
Today we are doing two huge updates, along with multiple QOL updates. This includes a long awaited keyboard Shortcuts, and Skilling Points Price Increase! We have also added special character support for our European and Spanish playerbase.
Skilling Point Price Change
Since the release of Skilling five years ago, a lot of changes have happened in the economy, better money makers and more fun ways to make money. With those changes & all the new updates that have been released since then, Skilling became a bad money maker and was left behind. Today that changes! All Skilling points in-game now cash out for 0.2 PKP each instead of 0.1 PKP.
Essentially DOUBLING the money making aspect of skilling!

Default Keyboard Shortcuts
For some time people have been asking for keyboard shortcuts, and today we finally deliver with the best keyboard shortcut system of any system. Every key is configurable, with multiple selections of shortcuts.

Special Characters Added
These special characters now work in-game.
à À á Á â Â ã Ã ä Ä å Å æ Æ ç Ç è È é É ê Ê ë Ë ì Ì í Í î Î ï Ï ð Ð ñ Ñ ò Ò ó Ó ô Ô õ Õ ö Ö ø Ø ù Ù ú Ú û Û ü Ü ý Ý þ Þ ÿ ß

Item Rebalances
This section deals with changes to items in order to spread progression out and bring certain pieces of gear up to par.
Magic Damage Redistribution

Keep in mind that 'set pieces' for Robes means the Helmet, Body and Legs slot items. Now, here are the changes!
- Occult Necklace: Magic damage reduced from 10% to 5%.
- Ancestral Robes set pieces: Magic damage per piece increased from 2% to 3%.
- Virtus Robes set pieces: Magic damage per piece increased from 1% to 2%.
- The following items have had their Magic damage per piece increased from 0 to 1%:
- Infinity Robes.
- Dagon'hai Robes.
- 3rd Age Mage Armour.
- Ahrim's Robes.
- Elder Chaos Druid Robes.
- Bloodbark Armour.
- Augury: Magic damage while active increased from 0 to 4%.
- Mystic Might: Magic damage while active increased from 0 to 2%.
- Mystic Lore: Magic damage while active increased from 0 to 1%.
- Eternal Boots: Magic damage increased from 0 to 1%.
- Mage's Book: Magic damage increased from 0 to 2%.
- Ancient Wyvern Shield: Magic damage increased from 0 to 2%.
- Malediction Ward: Magic damage increased from 0 to 2%.
- Arcane Spirit Shield: Magic damage increased from 0 to 3%.
- Seers' Ring and Seers' Ring (i): Magic damage increased from 0 to 0.5%
- Elite Void Mage Set bonus: Magic damage increased from 2.5% to 5%.
Other Item Adjustments
Magic gear isn't the only thing that's changing!
- Various improvements to the Soulreaper Axe:
- Stacks will no longer be lost instantly upon switching weapon.
- Stacks will start decrementing after 20 ticks (12s) without attacking, up from 10 ticks (6s).
- When stacks naturally degrade, they'll heal you for the damage you took while building those stacks up, so long as you still have the Axe in your inventory.
- Inquisitor's Armour set pieces now provide +2.5% Accuracy and Damage when worn alongside an Inquisitor's Mace.
- Adjusted the Ancient Godsword's Special Attack:
- Healing from a successful Blood Sacrifice now heals for 15% of the target's maximum HP, up to a cap of 25 HP.
Miscellaneous Combat-Adjacent Changes
- 'Minimum hit' has been adjusted. Now, if you pass an Accuracy check, any damage rolls of 0 are boosted up to 1. So, if your max hit is 3, you can roll 1, 1, 2 or 3 for damage.
- Note that you're still able to guarantee 0s via splashing and failing every Accuracy check.