1,800 × Revenant ether (9,000)4 × Divine super combat potion(4) (40)1 × Double Time scroll (1 Hour) (120,000)1 × The Boss scroll (1 Hour) (40,000)1 × Krystilia Blessing scroll (1 Hour) (80,000)1 × Larran's Love scroll (1 Hour) (20,000) | 0.065 × Voidwaker gem (455,729)0.65 × Fangs of venenatis (65,359)2.63 × Amulet of blood fury (3,947)5.26 × Amulet of fury (5,263)5.26 × Treasonous ring (i) (5,263)11.11 × Berserker ring (i) (11,111)11.11 × Seers ring (i) (11,111)11.11 × Archers ring (i) (5,556)11.11 × Warrior ring (i) (5,556)150,000 × Pk Point (150,000)0.067 × Demonic relic (4,267)0.13 × Demonic effigy (4,267)0.27 × Demonic medallion (4,267)0.42 × Demonic statuette (3,333)0.83 × Demonic totem (3,333)1.67 × Demonic emblem (3,333)33.33 × Larran's key (166,667) |