Cooking training

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Start training by ::cooking or ::dzone run east - you will be rewarded with skilling points after cooking something, even if it's burnt!

Levels 30–99: Cooking fish

Cooking fish requires very little attention, and it usually breaks even or profits slightly at higher levels. However, this method is a lot slower than the others, so it is only recommended for players who seek for a very low-effort alternative and do not want to spend a lot of money doing it.

For this method, it is strongly recommended to get the cooking gauntlets from the Family Crest quest. When worn, they reduce the burn rate for lobsters, swordfish, monkfish, sharks, and anglerfish. This will greatly increase experience rates when cooking these fish. Without the gauntlets, players can expect to get much lower rates.

It is also strongly recommended to have completed the easy Kourend & Kebos Diary for access to the cooking ranges in the Hosidius Kitchen. They provide a 5% increased chance of successfully cooking food over standard cooking ranges. This is increased to 10% with completion of the elite Kourend & Kebos Diary, which requires level 84 Cooking (boostable). Cooking fish in the Hosidius Kitchen offers comparable or slightly higher experience rates than at the ranges in Myths' Guild or Mor Ul Rek because of the increased cooked rate, despite the ranges being slightly further away from a bank. The Hosidius ranges remain comparable or better until level 93, after which it becomes faster to cook anglerfish on a normal range.

Cooking one inventory of fish takes around 1 minute and 14 seconds in the Hosidius Kitchen, including banking. Players can cook up to 1,365 fish per hour in the Hosidius Kitchen, or 1,435 fish per hour in Myths' Guild or Mor Ul Rek.

The fish and experience needed for each level range are shown in the table below. The table assumes the player is wearing the cooking gauntlets (where applicable) and using the Hosidius kitchen unless noted otherwise. Cooking in the Hosidius kitchens assumes completion of the elite Kourend & Kebos Diary from level 79 Cooking onwards (with a +5 boost to level 84). Experience and profit rates take the burn rates into account. The actual amounts of raw fish needed can vary depending on luck, so slightly more or less fish may be needed. Swordfish and monkfish offer very similar rates for levels 68–80, so the player should choose whichever is more profitable.

Levels Fish XP each Approx. XP/h (w/o burns) XP total Raw fish needed Successfully cooked fish needed Price raw Price cooked Profit total Profit/XP
30–40 Tuna 100 85,000–100,000


23,861 340 239 7 Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: .
40–68 Lobster 120 120,000–165,000


567,808 4,970 4,732 8 Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: .
68–80 Swordfish 140 165,000–200,000


1,381,036 10,186 9,865 10 Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: .
68–80 Monkfish 150 165,000–200,000


1,381,036 9,962 9,207 14 Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: .
80–84 Shark 210 275,000–285,000


965,305 4,720 4,597 20 Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: .
84–99 Anglerfish 230 305,000–330,000


10,083,058 44,400 43,840 100 0 −4,440,000 -0.44
91–99 Manta ray 216.3 285,000–300,000


7,131,600 37,900 32,980 Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: . Lua error: .
  1. The rates assume using the Hosidius kitchen for levels 40–61, and Rogues' Den for levels 61–68.
  2. The rates assume using the Hosidius kitchen for levels 68–77, and Rogues' Den for levels 77–80. In addition, cooking gauntlets do not affect the burn rate at the Hosidius kitchen for cooking swordfish.
  3. The rates assume using the Hosidius kitchen for levels 84–93, and Rogues' Den for levels 93–99.
  4. The rates assume using the Hosidius kitchen for levels 91–99.