Roat Pkz

From Roat Pkz
Revision as of 12:27, 30 April 2024 by Hefner (talk | contribs)
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Roat Pkz is an RSPS owned and operated by Gretar. Classified as a spawn server, Roat Pkz boasts a 99% uptime on a dedicated DDoS protected server. The average player base is currently holding steady at about 800 players.


Roat Pkz began approximately ten and a half years ago. Gretar did not intend for the server to grow to it's current size when he began hosting it, meaning for it to merely be a server for his friends and himself.


The only form of currency used within Roat Pkz comes in the form of Pk Points (PKP). Pk Points are obtained by killing other players, granting 4 Pk Points per kill. These Pk Points can be traded for items by trading Mazchna at home, who is the owner of the Pk Point Shop. As it is rare for a player to accumulate too many points themselves, items are often traded between players for their equivalent point amount within the Pk point shop.