Emblem Trader

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Emblem Trader
ShopBounty Hunter Shop
OptionsTalk-to, Trade-items, Trade-emblems, Skull
ExamineA shady and mysterious figure.
? (edit)
Advanced data
NPC ID? (edit)

The Emblem Trader is a mysterious merchant who runs the Bounty Hunter Shop. His store sells various items for use in the Bounty Hunter minigame, such as Ancient Warriors' equipment, weapon imbue scrolls and ornament kits.

He can skull and unskull the player should they ask him to, and he can opt you out of Bounty Hunter.

He also wanders the Revenant Caves (5 locations) in search of ancient artifacts. Players can give him ancient artifacts (un-noted) to receive a large amount of Pk points.


He can reassemble the Voidwaker for players, providing they give her the Voidwaker blade, hilt, and gem, as well as being 126 combat.
Note: He will freeze you for 18 seconds after creating the voidwaker, and everyone in the Revenant Caves will be notified.
Gretar just fused his Voidwaker parts together at level 36 wilderness.

Combat level126LocationRevenant Caves
SkullNoFacilitiesEmblem Trader
Voidwaker blade17,000,000
Voidwaker hilt17,000,000
Voidwaker gem17,000,000
Total cost21,000,000

Ancient artifacts

Players can bring ancient artifacts to him in the Revenant Caves in exchange for Pk points based on the tier of artifact:

Artefact Pkp given
Ancient emblem 2,000
Ancient totem 4,000
Ancient statuette 8,000
Ancient medallion 16,000
Ancient effigy 32,000
Ancient relic 64,000