Ancient artifacts

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Ancient artifacts are items dropped by Revenants and Royal Revenants. These can be exchanged for large quantities of Pk points by speaking to the Emblem Trader wandering around the Revenant Caves (::revs). He can be in 5 different locations within the Revenant Caves.

Ancient artifacts cannot be protected upon death. Players will always lose artifacts if they are killed, even if they are the only item in the player's inventory.

Exchanging artifacts

The artifacts can only be given to the Emblem Trader in the Revenant Caves; it cannot be exchanged in Edgeville.

When exchanging artifacts, it is highly recommended to bring teleport items that allow teleportation up to level 30 Wilderness, such as dragonstone jewellery or a royal seed pod. This is because being in the Wilderness Bounty Hunter informs the player's target of the wealth they carry and the Wilderness level they are in - they may then use the Teleport to Target spell to quickly reach the player as a result.

The Emblem Trader will cast an Ice Barrage on you when you claim your artifacts.
Be careful, everyone in the Revenant Caves will be aware of your trade!

If players are unwilling to risk bringing the artifacts to the Emblem Trader in the Revenant Caves, they may sell them to other players or on the Trading post.

List of artifacts

Artifact Pkp given
Ancient emblem 2,000
Ancient totem 4,000
Ancient statuette 8,000
Ancient medallion 16,000
Ancient effigy 32,000
Ancient relic 64,000