
From Roat Pkz
Revision as of 14:54, 3 June 2024 by Hefner (talk | contribs)
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Roat Pkz has daily PKing tournaments, ranging from Tribrid to F2P. These tournaments will be scheduled to run daily and you'll receive multiple notices in-game before it starts. If you win any tournament you will receive a temporary yell tag for 1 week and (250 * Players Entered) PKP (2nd, 3rd, 4th also rewarded with PKP).

Automatic Tournaments

There will be automated tournaments every day at :

  • 01:00
  • 08:30
  • 16:00
  • 19:00
  • 20:30

All these are server time and can be checked in the quest tab.

Combat styles

  • Zerker
  • Zerk Hybrid
  • Welfare Tribrid
  • Void
  • Tribrid
  • Pure NH
  • Pure
  • No armor
  • Max hybrid
  • Main Melee
  • Hybrid
  • F2P
  • Dharoks
  • Dharoks hybrid

Other Tournament Features

  • Rigour & Augury is unlocked for everyone!
  • You can now see players damage when spectating!
  • Tree hugging will not work with objects in the new maps

Automatic Tournament Rewards

  • 1. Place - (250 * Players Participated) PKP + 25 Minigame Points + 7 Day Yelltag
  • 2. Place - (150 * Players Participated) PKP + 10 Minigame Points
  • 3-4. Place - (100 * Players Participated) PKP + 5 Minigame Points
  • 5-8. Place - (25 * Players Participated) PKP + 2 Minigame Points
  • 8+. Place - (1 * Players Participated) PKP + 1 Minigame Point
