Rigour and Augury
(Redirected from Dexterous prayer scroll)
Using the prayer scrolls unlocks the following:
Dexterous prayer scroll (Rigour -
) 20% Ranged Attack, 20% Ranged Strength, 25% Defence!
Arcane prayer scroll (Augury-
) 25% Magic Attack, 25% Magic Defence & Normal Defence!
The scrolls are expensive and exclusive and the scrolls are of course tradeable.
How to obtain
- (1/35) Drop Rate for Rigour from Jad.
- (1/35) Drop Rate for Augury from Skotizo.
- (1/x) Drop Rate for both from Chambers of Xeric
- Both from Larran's keys
- Purchase it from ::donate.
- You can rent them at ::prayer.
- You can temporarily unlock both Rigour and Augury prayers if you are in a Clan Chat which has Holy Clan Perk Activated.