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|location = Wilderness
|west = Troll Country
|south =Kingdom of Misthalin
|east = Fossil Island
The '''Wilderness''', also known as '''the Wild''' or '''Wildy''', is a large and dangerous wasteland that makes up nearly the entirety of north-eastern [[Gielinor]] directly north of the kingdoms of [[Asgarnia]] and [[Misthalin]].
The '''Wilderness''', also known as '''the Wild''' or '''Wildy''', is a large and dangerous wasteland that makes up nearly the entirety of north-eastern [[Gielinor]] directly north of the kingdoms of [[Asgarnia]] and [[Misthalin]].

Revision as of 11:26, 1 April 2024

Released13 August 2001 (Update)
Also calledWildy, Wild, Forinthry
CapitalN/A (previously Senntisten)
Advanced data

The Wilderness, also known as the Wild or Wildy, is a large and dangerous wasteland that makes up nearly the entirety of north-eastern Gielinor directly north of the kingdoms of Asgarnia and Misthalin.

The entirety of the Wilderness, excluding Ferox Enclave, is a PvP area. Two players or multiple players (within multi-combat zone) may fight if their combat levels are within a certain range of each other, increasing the deeper into the Wilderness they go. This, along with very high level monsters and bosses, makes the Wilderness one of the most dangerous places in the game.

The Wilderness Diary is a set of achievement diaries relating to the Wilderness and its surrounding area, released on 5 March 2015.

In-game history

The area that is now the Wilderness was formerly known as Forinthry. It was a lush and green land by the time Gielinor was discovered by Guthix.

Forinthry was very rich in resources, and so a perfect place to build settlements. Zaros, a god who entered Gielinor after Guthix entered his sleeping state at the end of the First Age, fully conquered this area during the Second Age. Many settlements were built, whose most powerful were Dareeyak, Carrallanger, Annakarl, and Ghorrock. Forinthry formed a very big part of Zaros' mighty empire, which was the most powerful of Gielinor at that time, and stretched from northern Forinthry, through Asgarnia and Misthalin, to the north-east of Morytania.

Near the end of the second age, Zaros' Mahjarrat general Zamorak wanted to overthrow Zaros and was able to collect a group of followers. Those included (but were not limited to) the Elder Demon Thammaron, the vampyre Lord Drakan, the human warrior Viggora, and the Mahjarrat Zemouregal and Hazeel. When Zamorak got his hands on the Staff of Armadyl, he attacked Zaros' palace and after an intense battle, a large part of Zaros' powers were transferred via the staff to Zamorak, leading to his banishment. After that Zamorak supposedly disappeared. Years later he returned to Gielinor with an army so big that he could conquer the world and declared war against all the other gods, starting the God Wars.

During the God Wars, Forinthry was under constant attack from the armies of Zamorak and Saradomin and soon started to crumble, the fortresses were dominated and many of Zaros' remaining followers sided with Zamorak to not be his victims, and soon, the remaining settlements of Forinthry were destroyed with the exception of Ghorrock.

In the last years of the war Saradomin forged a temporary and fragile alliance with Armadyl and Bandos to defeat Zamorak, and in a following battle Zamorak brought destruction on the entire land by causing a massive explosion that swept across the continent turning it into the cursed wasteland today known as the Wilderness. The massive destruction caused Guthix to awake from his long slumber. Once awoken Guthix led his army to the scarred land of Forinthry to end the war, which led him to establish the Edicts of Guthix, which banned all gods from ever directly influencing Gielinor again. Guthix went deep into the depths of Gielinor and wept, saddened by the effects the God Wars had wrought on the world that he had shaped and loved. The Wars ended, but the damage was done; many races like the aviantese, icyene, ourgs, and wyrms were almost wiped out of existence, and all of Gielinor suffered from the effects of the wars, but not one kingdom suffered as heavily as Forinthry.

Forinthry is today known as the Wilderness and is now nothing but a cursed wasteland feared by adventurers. Today, many ruins of the once mighty cities still remain in these lands, barely recognisable as the great cities they were but rather piles of bricks and spirits of the creatures who died during the God Wars who were forced to look after the Wilderness. They started wandering the Wilderness, attacking anything alive they would encounter, these spirits became known as the revenants.

During the Fourth Age, there were many attempts to recolonise the Wilderness, none known to be particularly successful. There are still many creatures wandering around in the Wilderness, like many species of giants and demons. Due to the Wilderness being a site of ancient battles, it is also a place where dragons reside. Some outlaws, mostly Zamorakians, have also managed to set up their bases there, like bandits, dark warriors, rogues, and pirates.

Unique mechanics

Various gameplay mechanics that are present in the game may work differently when within the Wilderness, such as item behaviour, item-dropping behaviour, etc.

Wilderness levels

The Wilderness contains different levels, starting at level 1 at the Wilderness ditch, and increasing to level 56 in the far north. These levels are only indicated by a small screen overlay; there is no physical separation between levels.

Players within combat level range of each other can attack each other in the Wilderness. This range is calculated by taking the combat level and adding or subtracting the current Wilderness level.

For example, in level 1 Wilderness, a player who is level 100 can attack players who are level 99, level 101 or the same level. If a player is level 100 in level 24 Wilderness, they can attack players between level 76 and level 124 combat.

The first two steps (squares\tiles) of the Wilderness are "safe" zones, in which players can not attack or be attacked, thus making the Wilderness ditch not a strict reminder of where the Wilderness starts. Both players (or the player and monsters) must be outside the safe zone before any PVP or Wilderness slayer tasks can take effect.

In PvP worlds, anywhere outside of a safe zone (except for the Wilderness itself) is level 15 Wilderness. Inside the Wilderness, this is further increased by the regular Wilderness level.

Death mechanics

Upon dying in the Wilderness of any cause, the player will keep up to three (3) items upon respawning.

If the player obtains a skull (either by attacking other player(s), entering the Abyss or requesting one NPCs like the Emblem Trader), they will lose all items on death. If the player is attacked by another player(s), they can fight them back without obtaining a skull.

The Protect Item prayer allows the player to keep one more item than usual if activated, meaning up to four (4) items are kept normally, but only one (1) is kept if skulled. Protect Item can NOT be activated on a high-risk world.

If the player dies to other players, all tradeable items will only be visible to the player who dealt the most damage, lasting for one minute before becoming visible to other players. If the player dies to a monster, they are visible only to the victim for a minute. After this, all other players can see the dropped items for 59 minutes.

Upon death, certain untradeable items (such as void armour, fire capes or fighter torso) will be converted into coins above level 20 Wilderness, and players must obtain the item again from its original source. Below level 20 Wilderness, any items deemed useful in combat turn into broken items instead, which can be repaired back into their original state with coins at Perdu. Other untradeable items, such as graceful clothing, will remain on the ground for an hour.

Teleport restrictions

Teleports will not work above level 20 Wilderness, except for those methods listed below, which may be used by members up to level 30 Wilderness. However, the Teleport Block spell will prevent using nearly any means of teleportation for five minutes, or two and a half minutes if it is successfully cast on a player with Protect from Magic active. Also, you cannot teleport after using your special attacks on another player for a short duration. The chronicle does not work in the Wilderness.

Member teleportation up to level 30 Wilderness

  • Amulet of glory Amulet of glory
  • Amulet of eternal glory Amulet of eternal glory
  • Combat bracelet Combat bracelet
  • Skills necklace Skills necklace
  • Ring of wealth Ring of wealth
  • Pharaoh's sceptre Pharaoh's sceptre
  • Grand seed pod Grand seed pod
  • Royal seed pod Royal seed pod
  • Slayer ring Slayer ring
  • Ring of life Ring of life
  • Escape crystal Escape crystal
  • Defence cape Defence cape (acting as a ring of life when below 10% hitpoints)
  • Max cape Max cape (acting as a ring of life when below 10% hitpoints)

Dropping items

Except for cooked food and potions, all dropped items become visible to other players immediately. This is to discourage players from dropping their items before dying and quickly making it back to pick them up. Cooked foods and potions never appear to other players, which is to prevent clans and teams from dropping supplies for each other during a fight.

Black chinchompas cannot be released in combat. This was changed to prevent chinchompa hunters releasing them to leave nothing for the player killer out of spite.

Item behaviour

UI changes

  • Spell icons will not grow in size to reduce empty space in the spellbook while filters are enabled. This does not apply to the mobile client.
  • The autocast setting does not remember your selected spell if you change weapons, even if you have the required runes in your inventory.

Player killing

Since players can engage in combat within the Wilderness, player killing - or "PKing" - is a common activity. When a player is killed within the Wilderness, all of their lost tradeable items will be dropped for the opponent that has dealt the most damage, and some of the lost untradeable items will be dropped as coins. Note that this a dangerous activity.

File:Player killing.gif
A clan of players killing an opponent.

In multicombat areas, multiple players are able to attack the same target simultaneously. This allows players to form clans and engage in player-versus-player combat together, increasing the chances of successful knockouts. In single-way combat areas, there is an extended PJ timer: a combat-interruption prevention and temporary trade restriction mechanic that somewhat lessens teams' abilities to dominate individual players. However, to avoid getting attacked while looting in the dangerous areas, players are advised to unlock and turn on the loot keys.

Many players create specialized accounts for player-versus-player combat called combat pures. The goal of these accounts is to gain advantage over other players within their respective combat level brackets. Combat pures will often minimize or neglect defensive combat skills in order to maximise the damage output. See the combat pure and free-to-play combat pure guides for more details.

Official worlds

The following official worlds are assigned to Wilderness PKing:

World Location Members Activity
308 United Kingdom 0
{{#vardefine:f2ptotal|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}
Wilderness PK - Free
316 United Kingdom 0
{{#vardefine:f2ptotal|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}
Wilderness PK - Free
369 United States (east) 1
{{#vardefine:p2ptotal|Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".}}
Wilderness PK - Members

Combat types

Player-versus-player combat activities can be divided into the following types:

  • 1-vs-1 combat: arranged duels between willing players in single combat, usually within low-to-mid levels of the Wilderness north of Edgeville or around the Ferox Enclave. Players participating in this form of combat adhere to some unofficial rules that make the fights more dynamic and fair. These will vary between free-to-play and members worlds, but in general players tend not to use protection prayers, are expected to risk similar wealth in either items or cash, safing (healing too much in combat) and player jacking (interrupting fights) are frowned upon, and players are free to run or teleport when out of supplies.
    • Risk fighting: a form of 1-vs-1 combat where players bring expensive items or coins to increase the carried risk; a players' experience and abilities in combat greatly affect the outcome.
    • Deathmatches: a form of 1-vs-1 combat where players agree to fight to the death, even if they run out of supplies.
  • Singles-plus: functions similarly to single-way (1-vs-1) combat but in singles-plus players attacking other players will take priority over a monster or boss.
  • Multicombat: fights between groups of players within multicombat areas where any prayers, spells and items can be used to gain advantage in combat. None of the unofficial rules of arranged 1-vs-1 combat apply here. These fights are more common within the deeper Wilderness between individual players and small teams, as well as clans.
  • No honour combat: a type of combat where using any means necessary to kill the opponent is allowed. This usually includes techniques that are frowned upon and rarely utilised in typical arranged 1-vs-1 combat, breaking its unofficial set of rules. Examples of these include using freezing spells, protection prayers, safespotting and all combat styles (tribridding). No honour (or nh) fights can occur in the deep Wilderness, as well as in arranged locations such as Edgeville in the PvP worlds. In a wider context, no honour can also be used to describe behaviours that are disapproved of among the PvP community, such as flaming, ragging or cheating. Unfair clan-related behaviours also fall under this category, examples of which include regrouping with a team when the fight was already over, or taking a fake ending picture at the end of a fight.
  • Hunting: some player killers target unwilling skillers or PvMers to kill them for loot. As in no honour combat, these players will use any technique they can to score the kill. For example, usage of Tele Block and binding or freezing spells is common. This type of combat is common around locations that provide high experience rates or high profit.
  • Clan wars: arranged wars between clans, usually much larger in scale than regular multicombat fights.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter was a player killing-based minigame that could only be played on the Bounty Hunter world 318. Players were assigned a target to kill to earn and points, which used to be cashed in for rewards at the Bounty Hunter Shop. Players were matched based on their combat levels.


Players, especially those with low level accounts, can cross player killing hotspots with relatively few player killers being able to attack them. This allows them to pick up items dropped by other players, especially leftover food and ammunition. Looters pick up the remains of a drop after the killer finished taking the most expensive items. Some looters even tailgate player-killing clans, which can be especially profitable during wars. Looters are most common around the 1-vs-1 combat hotspots and the locations of arranged clan wars.

Even though this is a relatively profitable activity for the looters, their presence may inconvenience players participating in player-versus-player battles by making them accidentally click to attack them. It is recommended that players turn off their left-click attack options after a successful kill to avoid attacking the looters.

Notable locations

File:Wilderness map.png
A detailed map of the Wilderness, with levels, notable locations, and typical NPC spawns.
Place Wilderness Level On the Map Other Information
Northern Edgeville Dungeon 1 - 5 Underground, with exit to Obelisk of Air in level 5 Wilderness Monsters include Black demons, Earth warriors, and Chaos druids. The Obelisk of Earth and exit to the Obelisk of Air are located here.
South Wilderness mine 6 - 7 North of the Edgeville bank, near the tip of the River Lum Contains coal and iron rocks. The Mage of Zamorak provides teleport access to the Abyss.
South-west Wilderness mine 9 South of the Dark Warriors' Fortress Contains 34 coal rocks.
Chaos Temple 13 South-east of the Graveyard of Shadows, marked by the altar icon This is one of only three altars in the Wilderness. Elder Chaos druids inhabit the area.
Dark Warriors' Fortress 13 - 16 South of the Bandit Camp Spawns all runes chaos and lower.
Ferox Enclave 13 - 16 South of the Graveyard of Shadows A safe haven surrounded by barriers in which players cannot attack each other.
Revenant Caves 17 - 40 Three entrances - one east of the Dark Warriors' Fortress (low level), one north of the Bandit Camp (mid level) and one south-east of the Lava Maze (high level) Home to Revenants. Requires a 100,000 coin entrance fee, which needs to be repaid if the player dies inside.
Wilderness Slayer Cave 17- 31
Two entrances - one east of the Dark Warriors' Fortress (low level), one south-west of the Silk Chasm (high level) Home to various monsters assigned by Krystilia, who have slightly improved drop tables over their standard variants.
Wilderness God Wars Dungeon 23 - 29
East of The Forgotten Cemetery Monsters drop ecumenical keys, and aviansies drop noted adamantite bars.
Bone Yard 27 - 30 North of the Chaos Temple and east of the Ruins Bones and Big bones spawn here, making it a popular Prayer training location.
Bandit Camp mine 29 - 35 East of the Forgotten Cemetery Contains 16 iron rocks, 31 coal rocks, 19 mithril rocks, 8 adamantite rocks. Most rocks of any free-to-play mining site.
Lava Dragon Isle 36 - 42 West of the Demonic Ruins, east of the Lava Maze The only location of Lava dragons. Two white berries spawn here.
Chaos Temple (hut) 38 The small building just south of the Frozen Waste Plateau Altar allows for Prayer training. A hotspot for PKers recharging their prayer or killing players training here.
Lava Maze 40 - 45 South of the Mage Arena, west of Lava Dragon Isle Many item spawns (gold necklace, steel platebody and staff of earth), and the Muddy chest can be looted. Has a single lava eel fishing spot. The dungeon contains Greater demons, Black dragons, and a runite rock.
Frozen Waste Plateau 43 - 56 North-western most part of the Wilderness, north of the Chaos Temple (hut) Spawns law(m), water and cosmic runes, and features three runite rocks(m).
Demonic Ruins 45 - 48
North-east corner, south of the Rogues' Castle Prayer points are slowly recharged while within range. The only F2P location with Greater demons. Also features a blood rune and several burnt bones spawns.
Lava Maze runite mine 46 North of the Lava Maze The only free-to-play vein of runite ore. Player-killing hotspot.
Fountain of Rune 47 - 48
North-east corner, south of the Wilderness Volcano Players can cast spells without runes here, though no experience is given. Dragonstone jewellery can gain extra charges from the fountain.
Rogues' Castle 51 East of the Mage Arena and Deserted Keep Contains rogues, which can be pickpocketed, and chests, which can be looted.
Resource Area 51 - 53 East of the Deserted Keep, west of the Scorpion Pit Contains Mining, Fishing and Woodcutting resources. One of the few fishing spots to contain dark crabs. Two Runite Golems are here.
Wilderness Volcano 53 - 56 North-east of the Rogues' Castle Odium wards and malediction wards are forged here. Dark crab fishing spots are nearby.

Transportation methods

Note: Some methods in this section may allow the player to immediately teleport into deep sections of the Wilderness. However, nothing except members' Deserted Keep, KBD and Mage Arena levers allow directly leaving the Wilderness above level 30, and pk-ers may tele-block the player below level 30. Always come prepared, as easy escape may not be readily available in an emergency.


Icon Spell
Spellbook Location Wilderness
Minigame Teleport - Minigame Teleport Clan Wars / Last Man Standing (Ferox Enclave) 13-16
File:Dareeyak Teleport.png Dareeyak Teleport 78 Ancient Western Ruins 23
File:Carrallanger Teleport.png Carrallanger Teleport 84 Graveyard of Shadows 19
File:Annakarl Teleport.png Annakarl Teleport 90 Demonic Ruins 47
File:Ghorrock Teleport.png Ghorrock Teleport 96 Frozen Waste Plateau 45
File:Ice Plateau Teleport.png Ice Plateau Teleport 89 Lunar 53
File:Tele Group Ice Plateau.png Tele Group Ice Plateau 90
File:Cemetery Teleport.png Cemetery Teleport 71 Arceuus The Forgotten Cemetery 31


  • Burning amulet Burning amulet - has teleports to various locations around the Wilderness
  • Games necklace Games necklace - teleports players to Corporeal Beast Cave, where exiting the cave places players in the Wilderness
  • Ring of dueling Ring of dueling - teleports player to the Ferox Enclave
  • Hunter cape Hunter cape - offers five daily teleports to the black chinchompa Hunter area
  • Revenant cave teleport Revenant cave teleport - teleports the player to the Revenant Caves entrance at level 40 Wilderness
  • Wilderness sword 3 Wilderness sword 3 - offers one daily teleport to the Fountain of Rune
  • Wilderness sword 4 Wilderness sword 4 - offers unlimited teleports to the Fountain of Rune
  • Wilderness crabs teleport Wilderness crabs teleport - teleports the player to the dark crab fishing spots in level 33 Wilderness


File:Wilderness Obelisk.png
A Wilderness Obelisk

There are several obelisks scattered throughout the whole Wilderness that players can use to randomly teleport to particular locations within the Wilderness. If players have completed the hard Wilderness Diary, they can choose their teleport location. Also, players with level File:Construction icon.png 80 can build their own obelisk that teleports them to the others, but this is a one-way teleport to the Wilderness.


Players can use the Ardougne or Edgeville teleport lever to teleport to the Deserted Keep.

Players with level Woodcutting 57 Woodcutting can create a waka canoe at any canoe station, which transports the player to either the Ferox Enclave or the pond in level 35 Wilderness, east of a Wilderness Obelisk.

The magic door found within the Entrana Dungeon teleports the player to level 32 Wilderness, south of the chaos dwarves near Vet'ion's Rest.

Teleports close to the ditch

The following methods can be used to safely teleport relatively close to the ditch (or other kind of border), but not yet into Wilderness:


The Wilderness is a host of many powerful bosses, who are able to drop rare items that can't be obtained anywhere else such as the malediction & odium ward, viggora's chainmace, thammaron's sceptre & craw's bow, the ring of the gods, tyrannical ring & treasonous ring and the voidwaker.

Although the lair itself is not in the Wilderness, KBD is still considered a Wilderness boss by designation, as players must enter the Wilderness to fight him.

The "Big Three" bosses of the Wilderness are: Callisto, Vet'ion & Venenatis which are all located in multicombat areas.

Their weaker variants: Artio, Cal'varion & Spindel are all located in singles-plus areas. Accessing these bosses requires completion of the medium Wilderness diary.

When entering Artio, Callisto, Cal'varion, Vet'ion, Spindel or Venenatis' lairs, a 3 tick (1.8s) teleport delay is enforced if the player has not completed the hard Wilderness diary. As Callisto, Vet'ion and Venenatis' lairs are above 30 Wilderness, they cannot be teleported out of anyways.

Warning: All of these bosses are accessed through the Wilderness where other players can try to engage in player killing, it is advised to check items kept on death and only bring acceptable risk.

Name Image Level Hitpoints Attack style Location (combat type) Notes
470 1,000 Crush, Magic, Ranged Callisto's Den (multicombat) A powerful bear that can deal massive AoE damage with his melee attacks, can deploy traps to limit the players' movement and a shockwave attack that can deal up to 50 damage if not protected against.

Unique drops:
Claws of callisto Claws of callisto
Tyrannical ring Tyrannical ring
Voidwaker hilt Voidwaker hilt
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Callisto cub Callisto cub

454 255 Slash, Magic Vet'ion's Rest (multicombat) Uses attacks that can't be mitigated by prayer (but can be dodged) and when he reaches half health, it will summon two level 194 skeleton hellhounds to aid it, becoming invulnerable until they are killed. Also has a second form that is dealt with the same way as the first, except it summons level 231 Greater Skeleton Hellhounds instead.

Unique drops:
Skull of vet'ion Skull of vet'ion
Ring of the gods Ring of the gods
Voidwaker blade Voidwaker blade
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Vet'ion jr. Vet'ion jr.

464 850 Stab, Magic, Ranged Silk Chasm (multicombat) Attacks with all three combat styles, but switches ranged and magic attacks after a few attacks and are only used at a distance. Can summon spiderlings that drain Prayer and launch a sticky web that drains run energy and prayer points.

Unique drops:
Fangs of venenatis Fangs of venenatis
Treasonous ring Treasonous ring
Voidwaker gem Voidwaker gem
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Venenatis spiderling Venenatis spiderling

320 450 Crush, Magic, Ranged Hunter's End (singles-plus) A scaled-down, solo-able version of Callisto.

Unique drops:
Claws of callisto Claws of callisto
Tyrannical ring Tyrannical ring
Voidwaker hilt Voidwaker hilt
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Callisto cub Callisto cub

264 150 Slash, Magic Skeletal Tomb (singles-plus) A scaled-down, solo-able version of Vet'ion.

Unique drops:
Skull of vet'ion Skull of vet'ion
Ring of the gods Ring of the gods
Voidwaker blade Voidwaker blade
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Vet'ion jr. Vet'ion jr.

302 515 Stab, Magic, Ranged Web Chasm (singles-plus) A scaled-down, solo-able version of Venenatis.

Unique drops:
Fangs of venenatis Fangs of venenatis
Treasonous ring Treasonous ring
Voidwaker gem Voidwaker gem
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Venenatis spiderling Venenatis spiderling

Revenant maledictus
File:Revenant maledictus.png
397 1250 Ranged, Magic Revenant Caves (singles-plus) Has a small chance to spawn when killing revenants, can hit up to 30 with powerful Magic and has a 5x5 area of effect attack.

Unique drops:
Amulet of avarice Amulet of avarice
Craw's bow (u) Craw's bow (u)
Thammaron's sceptre (u) Thammaron's sceptre (u)
Viggora's chainmace (u) Viggora's chainmace (u)
Ancient crystal Ancient crystal
Ancient statuette Ancient statuette

Chaos Elemental
305 250 Magic, Ranged, Melee West of the Rogues' Castle (multicombat) It can hit up to 28 in all three combat styles.

Unique drops:
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Dragon 2h sword Dragon 2h sword
Dragon dagger Dragon dagger
Pet chaos elemental Pet chaos elemental

Chaos Fanatic
202 225 Magic West of the Lava Maze (single combat) Has a special attack that must be avoided in order to prevent damage.

Unique drops:
Malediction shard 1 Malediction shard 1
Odium shard 1 Odium shard 1
Ancient staff Ancient staff
Pet chaos elemental Pet chaos elemental

Crazy archaeologist
204 225 Crush, Ranged Ruins south of The Forgotten Cemetery (single combat) Has a multi-area special attack that must be avoided by running away.

Unique drops:
Malediction shard 2 Malediction shard 2
Odium shard 2 Odium shard 2
Rune crossbow Rune crossbow
Fedora Fedora

225 200 Melee Cavern beneath Scorpion Pit (multicombat) Has a powerful poison that can damage up to 20.

Unique drops:
Malediction shard 3 Malediction shard 3
Odium shard 3 Odium shard 3
Dragon scimitar Dragon scimitar
Scorpia's offspring Scorpia's offspring

King Black Dragon
276 255 Melee, Dragonfire (long-ranged) His lair is accessed by pulling the lever in the western entrance of the Lava Maze Dungeon (single combat) A particularly strong black dragon that is capable of various dragonfire attacks that can poison, stun and freeze.

Unique drops:
Draconic visage  Draconic visage
Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe
Kbd heads Kbd heads
Prince black dragon Prince black dragon

Skill training

Throughout the Wilderness, there are many locations where players can train their skills. Many of these training methods are more profitable or faster than other options, though they all carry with them increased risk due to the threat of hostile player killers.

Resource Area

The Resource Area, located very deep within the Wilderness, provides a wide assortment of resources, such as various amounts of ores, magic trees, yew trees, and two runite golems, which can be killed and then mined for runite ore. There are static dark crab fishing spots that can be fished with a lobster pot and dark fishing bait.

Players must pay 7,500 coins to enter the Resource Area, with free entry as a reward for completing the elite Wilderness Diary. While it is relatively safe, player killers can also pay the fee and attack people training in the area.

Prayer Prayer

The Chaos Temple in level 38 Wilderness acts as a gilded altar with two burners lit, granting the same Prayer experience bonus when used in a player-owned house chapel. However, offering bones here gives a 50% chance for a bone offered to not be consumed, potentially saving lots of money if training prayer here in bulk. Outside, the Elder Chaos druid can unnote a player's bones for 50 coins per bone.

Runecraft Runecraft


Players can use the Abyss via Wilderness to access the various altars throughout RuneScape to craft runes; the Mage of Zamorak that teleports players to the Abyss lurks around level 5 Wilderness, just north of Edgeville. Many players will risk being killed to craft runes here as it is the fastest way available to train Runecraft for profit; normally, only runes above cosmic are crafted here as any rune below this is not considered worth the risk, and/or it takes less time to reach the appropriate altar by other means.

Chaos Altar

The Chaos Altar is located approximately north of Edgeville in level 9 Wilderness, and as with most other runic altars, requires a chaos talisman or tiara to enter. Here players can craft chaos runes; however, entering conventionally requires players to traverse a multi-floor maze to reach the altar itself.

Mining Mining

Runite ore, which requires 85 Mining, is found in the Wilderness and is the only area where free players may mine it. Members can also mine here, although there are much safer locations such as the Heroes' Guild and Mourner Tunnels, which have some runite rocks. The Wilderness Rejuvenation update added several runite rocks at the Frozen Waste Plateau, making the Wilderness have the most runite rocks in-game.

There are also other mines that can be visited as there is usually no one around. The Skeleton Mine is a mine containing a large amount of coal rocks, although skeletons wander around the mine. The Bandit Camp Mine contains a relatively large amount of iron, coal, mithril, and adamantite rocks. However, given their extreme proximity from a bank and the dangers of the Wilderness, these mines are rarely frequented.

Fishing Fishing

Some fishing spots are located throughout the Wilderness.

Hunter Hunter

There are two hunting areas in the Wilderness: one for hunting black chinchompas (requires 73 Hunter), and another for hunting black salamanders (requires 67 Hunter). While in the Wilderness, the player can place one extra trap above their maximum amount, thus making hunting quicker and more profitable. The black chinchompa hunting location is particularly dangerous, as the location is a popular player-killing spot.

Woodcutting Woodcutting

File:Chopping ent trunk.png
A player chops an Ent trunk after killing an Ent.

Ents roam around the forests of the Wilderness, which if killed can be cut for noted logs. The type of logs is based on the Woodcutting level of the player and the Axe used.

The Wilderness ents give double the amount of logs compared to the ents in the Woodcutting Guild, making it reasonably profitable at a high Woodcutting level.

Thieving Thieving

At 84 Thieving, players can loot the Chest (Rogues' Castle)s. There are three chests that are at the base of Rogues' Castle. The chest contains some decent rewards ranging from 1,000 minimum in value to approximately 40,000 gold, including various noted fish, runes, ores, and noted cut dragonstones. However, when a player loots from a chest, rogues within range will become aggressive, making this a dangerous but profitable method of money making.

Agility Agility

Requiring 52 Agility, there is the Wilderness Agility Course in the deep Wilderness. Although it can yield up to 40,000 experience per hour, it does not drop marks of grace or any other profit. It also requires risking stamina potions in levels 50–56 Wilderness to keep run energy available to maintain high experience rates.

Slayer Slayer

Krystilia assigns an array of Slayer tasks that must be completed within the Wilderness. These monsters can range from combat level 1 to 470, assuming Wilderness bosses, and they all have a chance at dropping Larran's keys, Slayer's enchantments, ring of wealth scrolls and magic shortbow scrolls in addition to their regular drops. Also, whilst wearing a ring of wealth (i), players double their chances of receiving a clue scroll.

Quests and Miniquests

Family Crest

The Family Crest quest requires you to kill Chronozon, who is located in the Wilderness part of Edgeville dungeon.

Enter the abyss & Devious minds

The miniquest Enter the Abyss and the quest Devious Minds require you to talk to the Mage of Zamorak who is located in low level Wilderness.

Curse of the Empty Lord

The Curse of the Empty Lord miniquest requires players to enter the Wilderness, though the exact location varies per player.

Mage Arena

This is where players with at least level 60 Magic can attempt Kolodion's challenge. Successful players receive the god cape and the god staff of their chosen God.

Mage Arena II

After completing the Mage Arena, players with at least level 75 Magic and the ability to cast the god spells outside the Mage Arena can attempt Kolodion's second challenge. Successful players receive an imbued god cape of their chosen god.

Other features

Ferox Enclave

File:Ferox Enclave.png
Ferox Enclave

The Ferox Enclave is a safe haven in the central Wilderness (level 13-16). Players can access one of the only two banks in the Wilderness here and use the Pool of refreshment to restore hitpoints, prayer points, run energy and stats. Ferox Enclave is also the location of the Clan Wars and Last Man Standing minigames. There are gates on all four sides of the settlement, which allows players in and out of the Enclave and there are numerous means of transportation to get there. Players who are teleblocked will be denied access to the Enclave.

Wilderness Diary

The Wilderness Diary can be completed by doing a set of tasks related to the Wilderness. Completing a tier gives a Wilderness sword and variety of useful rewards and benefits. For example, completion of all tasks grants noted dragon bone drops within the Wilderness and free access to the Resource Area.

Team capes

The cape merchant Simon, found near the Chaos Temple.

A number of Cape merchants are scattered across the Wilderness, each of them offering five colourful capes for sale. When worn, other players with the same cape will appear as blue dots on the Minimap, rather than the usual white. The attack option for players with the same cape will also be moved to a right-click option, rather than the usual left-click default for the Wilderness. These capes are popular for clans or other groups of players in the Wilderness, both to identify their allies and avoid accidentally attacking each other.

Shop selling

Many players have items that are of very little value to merchants and skill specialists. The Bandit Duty Free, a general store in the Bandit Camp, buys items for close to High Alchemy prices because the "tax collectors do not visit his store."

Clue scrolls

Hard, elite and master clue scrolls often require players to traverse through the Wilderness to complete a step of the Treasure Trail. In addition, players can still be attacked by player killers while fighting off any of the wizards that attack when in the process of digging for a clue or a reward casket. It is recommended to only bring what is absolutely necessary to complete the clue and prevent the loss of the clue scroll. A clue box can be brought along to protect the clue scroll or casket in case of death within the Wilderness.

Wearing the ring of wealth (i) doubles the chance of clue scroll drops in the Wilderness by all monsters.

Development history

The Wilderness was introduced into the game on 13 August 2001, and quickly became famous as the only place where players could engage in Player-versus-Player (PvP) combat, to gain all items that the defeated dropped.

A ditch was added on 18 April 2007 to prevent players getting accidentally killed, tricked and lured into the Wilderness through tree luring.

Currently, players passing the ditch are presented with a screen confirming that they actually want to enter the Wilderness. This can be toggled at the Doomsayer.


Date Changes
[[{{#explode:31 March 2016| |0}} {{#explode:31 March 2016| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:31 March 2016| |2}}]]

Players can now attack one another when both stood on the tile outside of the Wilderness resource area.

[[{{#explode:10 September 2015| |0}} {{#explode:10 September 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:10 September 2015| |2}}]]
  • All trail combat NPCs now cannot prevent a player from being attacked by a player inside a single combat zone of the Wilderness.
  • All trail combat NPCs now also do not allow a player to be attacked by several players at once in a single combat zone.
  • It is no longer possible to use the Jutting Wall entrance to the Wilderness GWD to avoid damage
[[{{#explode:20 August 2015| |0}} {{#explode:20 August 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:20 August 2015| |2}}]]

The welcome screen will no longer appear when logging in within the Wilderness.

[[{{#explode:6 August 2015| |0}} {{#explode:6 August 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:6 August 2015| |2}}]]

It is now possible to be attacked by a player in single combat Wilderness zones if you are fighting a Zamorak Mage when attempting to dig for your clue scroll.

[[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |0}} {{#explode:5 March 2015| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:5 March 2015| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

All dragon bone drops in the Wilderness are now noted if you have completed the Wilderness Elite Diary.

[[{{#explode:13 March 2014| |0}} {{#explode:13 March 2014| |1}}]] [[{{#explode:13 March 2014| |2}}]]
(update | poll)

The Wilderness Rejuvenation update has been released (patch notes).

See also